Trying to Be Slim Thick in Your 20s

Ok, so saying that I want to be slim thick has been really entertaining to me lately, and since I've been in a little rut I decided to name this blog post "Trying to be slim thick"... its the little wins sometimes that count, right.

Anyway, Like so many other people I have decided to live healthier this year. Before the eye roll from certified "gym rats", yeaaaah this is a basic ass typical new years resolution, but I decided to not call it that so, HA! Its more like a wellness initiative. & I really just came up with that as I was typing this, so go Jasmin!

The main part of my new initiative is called the "money diet", which basically means eating in a way that cost me less money, free food is my favorite way to execute this part, but meal prepping of course is the other part of it. 

I'm so bad at spending money on food, my bank account is just basically a restaurant directory. So I figured that this plan would a) save me from basically being a well fed homeless person cause I spent all my money on food, b) make me a more responsible parent and force me to make dinner that would then carry over to my lunch for the week and c) of course keep me from eating shitty. Checking all those boxes on my accountability check list, like a mf'n boss!

I had been stocking up on lunchables for Logan's lunch at preschool and it finally hit me that if i actually made dinner, he would have a real meal for lunchtime. Talk about a crazy ass epiphany.

Now let me be honest and say that yesterday I fucked up on so many levels of this initiative. My pesky ass depression, which I have name Deb, reared her ugly head yesterday. And instead of staying fit, active, and money conscious. I splurged on 2 separate Doordash orders for Chinese food and Wing Stop. I spent almost $40 in one day while also barely moving from my bed, so Fuck You Deb!

I'll admit that emotionally and financially yesterday bummed me out. But today I got up, cleaned my house, did laundry, bought food to cook for dinner/lunch, AND went to a boot camp work out class.

Now I know that hoe Deb thought she had me, but I had to show her that I am way more than the worthless person she makes me think I am. So today while I'm on a roll of feeling confident and proud to be me, I decided to write this post. Cue the motherfucking applause!

Anyway, Boot Camp Class is every Monday and Wednesday, Zumba is on Friday, and Tuesday is yoga, so a bitch is about to be fit, zen AF, and learn some new dance moves! 

I'm really trying my best to go into this with simple lifestyle goals that hopefully will grow in the months to come. Start with trying to save money, feed me and my kids healthier food, and taking advantage of the free workout classes that my job offers. So if you ask me in like 6 months if im still keeping up with my "lifestyle initiative" (trademark pending), imma be like....

Plus let me just be honest, ya girl about to be in Cuba for my birthday in August and I'm tryna be lit AF while looking slim and thick in allllll the right places on the beach! 😜


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