Being Perfectly Average in Your 20s

I have a lot of friends…. Actually let me rephrase. I have a lot of people, whom I've met through various life events with which I struggle to stay in contact.

And most of these "friends" have really interesting and spectacular hobbies and passions. They range from all around awesome, all the way down to normal but still pretty interesting. I have an old middle school classmate who has always been an amazing artist and now she’s becoming an amazing architect. My baby daddy is a great golfer, self-taught at that, and extremely passionate about comedy and Improv. Some people are exceptionally gifted at sports, cooking/baking, and other crafty shit. I even have some friends who are world class turn up queens, and I give credit where credit is due, so Chrissy I see you boo, Gold star for you!

But then you have people who are like me. I have 2 talents, 1) being perfectly average at a lot of different stuff that has no substantial value on my life, and 2) quitting things prematurely. The latter probably being the reason I only reach a level of averageness when trying new hobbies. I don’t really know how long I’ve been a habitual quitter for, I honestly quit counting the activities that I’ve lost interest in over the years. But I remember when I was around 7 or 8, I LOVED gymnastics! It was the highlight of my week being able to tumble around and cartwheel until my head started spinning. But at some point for whatever reason I quit, and years later when I tried to pick it back up my age group has surpassed my skill level and I was dying in there! These chicks were doing back flips and walking on their hands, while I was in the corner still trying to master a handstands with the aid of the wall, which I was failing at terribly.

So I quit… again. Now don’t get me wrong I would have never been able to be an Olympic Gymnast, I’m way too tall and my boobs would most definitely weigh me down on the balance beam, but still I wish I would have continued. And from that point on the list continued to grow with various different hobbies that I ultimately lost interest in, such as knitting, sewing, yoga, meal prepping, YouTube’n, and not jumping to conclusions etcetera, etcetera. All of which I quit prematurely. And now I’ve grown into this perfectly average 20 something whose main hobby is binge watching a series on Netflix and top talent is reposting perfectly hilarious post on Facebook. And even my Netflix hobby has flaws because if I miss a couple days watching a show, you can bet your round ass I’ll quit that too.

This post isn’t me saying I’m not good at anything (to be completely honest I don’t know what this post is about, or where exactly I’m going with any of this), I do have a couple natural talents that, if really focused on, I could turn into a hobby. I’m a great speaker, never been afraid to speak in front of people and I always sound legit as shit when speaking to a crowd. I’m really good at reading… like pretty darn good. And of course writing has always been a passion of mine. But my number 1 skill is that i'm really good at hype'n myself up, while lacking any actual follow through. Have you ever heard a loud ass car and then looked over and its a 1987 fucking hoopty. You basically shat yourself because the engine was so loud, while toxic exhaust is pouring out of the cars ass and they're barely even going 20 mph?.... that's me!

So now my next hobby is to upgrade from “perfectly average” to “well rounded” in at least one thing this year.  I figure in order to survive my 20’s, I need to gain a real adult skill right? And first on the list is not quitting, so wish me luck!


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